Amplify Learning: A Global Collaborative is a book series about integrating instructional strategies with EdTech tools to amplify learning written and compiled by educators throughout the world. Compiled and edited by two EdTech experts, innovators, and coaches, Matthew Rhoads and Becky Lim recruited K-16 educators from across the world to write a chapter of their area of expertise in integrating instructional strategies with EdTech tools to amplify their instruction and student learning.
Within the second book of the series of four books, Amplifying Authentic Learning in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics covers an assortment of reading, writing, and mathematic strategies integrated with a wide variety of EdTech for any classroom setting. By reading through each of these strategies and EdTech integrations, you will have a toolkit and repository of strategies that you can use to create any type of lesson within any classroom setting that can be used for students of any age and grade. Amplify your student learning and instruction by taking these practical and applicable strategies and integrations into the classroom and school by tried and true integrations from real educators who practice these strategies across the world.